A few days ago, I had my most embarrassing moment of high school so far. This week is homecoming week at Arapahoe and my choir teacher asked our choir if we had any questions about homecoming week. I am way out of district for Arapahoe and have no idea what some of their traditions are. There is a bonfire celebration going on sometime this week and I was a little confused on what that meant. I wasn't sure if it was an actual bonfire, or if it was a figurative thing, or what. So when my choir director asked us if we had any questions, I raised my hand and asked, "What is the bonfire celebration?" Now when I asked this, I thought it was a good question, because over half of the choir is made up of freshman and I thought that a lot of them would have the same question I did. Well, apparently not! As soon as I let that one little question slip out of my mouth, everyone began to gasp and every eye in the room was on me. The teacher must have felt bad for me and she began to quiet the girls down and tell them that my question wasn't that bad. Then she asked me, "Well, you understand the fire part of bonfire, right?" And of course, I hadn't made enough of a fool of myself yet so I had ask, "Is it an actual fire, or is it just a figurative thing?" Oh if I thought the reaction to my first question was embarrassing, I hadn't been through anything yet. The girls were gasping so loud and laughing so hard, I'm pretty sure the whole school could hear. I turned so red and just wanted to hide underneath my chair for the rest of class. As soon as the bell rang, I darted out the door and found my friend, Lauren. I asked her why that was such a bad question. She just laughed and said, "I don't know, but, from now on, NEVER ask about that bonfire again." We laughed together all the way to our next class. She is still joking me about it, and I'm sure the choir girls will laugh at me some more about it, but oh well. Hahaha. ANYWAYS, if you are a freshman at Arapahoe High School, never, ever, under any circumstances ask about the bonfire!!!! :)
P.S. Sorry I haven't written in so long! I have been sooooo busy, but I just had to write about this one ;)