Then, we picked six courses that we wanted to go visit for a few minutes and walked to where the class would be. First, we visited the World Languages class. I am taking Spanish 2 right now and absolutely LOVE it! I cannot wait to take Spanish in high school and am hoping to test into Spanish 3. I got to meet one of the teachers and she was very nice.
Then the bell rang and we headed off to Language Arts(English). I love English class right now, and this class looked like it would be a lot of fun also.
Next we went to Art. I am absolutely obsessed with art and I always have a drawing or doodle going. The teacher was very nice and made the class sound very fun and I thought I would also learn a lot from her.
For the fourth class, we went to Performing Arts. I have wanted to play flute in a high school band since I first started playing, so this was exciting. There were tons of different bands to choose from and I am now trying to decide which one to join. They also have numerous choirs that I would like to join. I have also fallen in love with acting ever since we got our new teacher, so I looked at the Drama program while I was there. I loved all of these and now have a new problem... Which classes am I going to take?!?!?! It's a good thing I have a while longer to decide that... whew!
Then we took a little detour to the clubs area. Don't even get me started on all of the clubs and sports they have to choose from! There was every kind of club anyone could ever think of and then some! They all had their own little tables and we went to the volleyball table, the art club table, the band table, and many others. I had fun on this detour!
Finally, we went over to science class. I love science too. The teacher was great and I instantly became interested.
After that, we were exhausted and were, thankfully, dismissed. We were both tired and extremely hungry by then. We grabbed some dinner and then headed home. It was a fun night and I learned a lot about Arapahoe!

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