All of my 8th grade soccer-playin' buddies and I have been playing soccer together since about kindergarten. We are all pretty good at soccer by now and have fun with the sport. This year, we are even better because we have three amazing coaches. The two women coaches are our Spanish teachers (we love them) and the male coach is our drama teacher (we love him too). They are really good coaches and they make playing soccer extremely fun too! I think those two qualities are very important for a coach to have.
I was voted one of the three team captains about a week ago. I was absolutely thrilled when I first found out that I was one of the chosen captains. At first, I thought that being a captain simply meant I would get to pick a few of the warm-up drills we would use as a warm up, but today, I learned this was not true at all...
Even though I have been playing soccer for a very long time, I am still not great at the sport. All of the 7th graders (and even a few of my 8th grade friends) were coming up to me and asking me for advice, "where they should be" and stuff like that. When they were asking me these questions, I was very flattered and flustered at the same time. Sometimes, I could answer their questions, but other times I would have no idea what they were talking about and would quickly redirect them to one of the other captains or one of the coaches. haha ;)
Anyways, it was a fun game and I scored one of the goals:) I will keep you updated on the scores of our future games!!!

Oh, my God! I'm in that picture!! Where ever did you find that? So many memories are flooding back. . .